Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Posts Tagged human development

Ponderings on Life Purpose

Life purpose and vocation; I sometimes wonder how they are related.  Sometimes I hear life purpose described simply and clearly, like this quote from notetoselfphilosophy.com:  Note to Self: “What is my purpose in life?” I asked the void. “What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk…
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Aim is Everything

In my last blog, I talked about the intersection of dharma (our sacred duty in this lifetime) and flourishing at midlife. The issue that typically arises from someone exploring dharma at midlife is fear. Fear that they’ll have to throw away most everything they’ve created and worked for in order to follow their dharma. Sometimes,…
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Flourishing in your Dharma at Midlife

I'd been exploring the intersection of Stephen Cope's book The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling, and Martin E. P. Seligman's book Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being in relation to a blog series when this photo quote by Brené Brown came across my Facebook feed. I think she hit…
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Embracing Intuition at Midlife: The Key to Living Your Dharma (Part 1 of 3)

Part 1 - Living Your Dharma As spirituality goes mainstream, there is much talk about “living your dharma”. But what does that really mean? René Guénon, in Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines defines dharma as “the essential nature of a being, comprising the sum of its particular qualities or characteristics, and determining, by virtue…
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The Hogwarts of Santa Fe

This morning I was chatting with one of my lovely classmates about our first two weeks at Southwestern College. She said something that instantly resonated with me- “I feel like we’re at Hogwarts!” Thinking more about this humorous comparison to Harry Potter, I began to see more and more striking parallels. We are summoned here by…
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