Termination Phase
~Group Mandala~
Betsy Sohmer & Camille Grec
Presentation Project for Art Therapy Techniques, teacher: Seren Morris
To create a space and activity for the group to experience visual cohesion of the things we’ve learned in class while maintaining perspective of each member’s distinctive contributions.
Two Large pieces of butcher paper
Various Art Materials
Everyone receives a previously cut-out section of a large mandala, sectioned into three parts which form three concentric circles. Each person then creates an art response to a prompt, and when finished, the paper is cut into three sections. The whole group then assembles the large mandala, each placing their three sections in different areas. The result is an integrated art work representing the group’s collective experience of the prompt.
1st, Smallest section: What does integration mean to you, personally, internally?
2nd, Middle section: What does the relationship between client and therapist look like to you? How might you incorporate the techniques and theories you are learning as an Art Therapist?
3rd, Largest section: How does our work as therapists affect the collective? How do we individually impact the whole of human culture?
This directive can be used and modified for any group. For example, in a Substance Abuse group, the direction can be focused on tools and techniques that support sobriety. Also, the Art Materials can be narrowed down if necessary to one or two forms of materials; art making might be less intimidating if the whole group is using oil pastels, or paint, etc.