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Southwesten College Intern, Craig McAdams, in Peru

Southwestern College, Santa Fe: Internship in Peru In the beginning of my internship in Peru, I had the honor and blessing to be able to work with and learn from Andean Shaman (Paqo's). Through this journey, these men became my teachers, mentors, friends and brothers. First, I sat with Adolfo Ttito Condori, one of five…
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  The Quimby Memorial Library is here to support the research needs of our students at Southwestern College. Below you will find a list of online databases, peer-reviewed open access journals, and scholarly based search engines that may be utilized any time --24/7-- away from the campus. In addition to these services, we also offer…
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Creative Conversations: Navigating a New Landscape of Synchronous Teaching & Learning

Contributors: Emilah DeToro, Magdalena Karlick, Seren Morris, Virginia Padilla-Vigil, and April Vogel In the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, our faculty at Southwestern College had to quickly mobilize to transition courses from face-to-face to online synchronous delivery.  This, of course, created numerous challenges, the most significant being, how to maintain the spirit of transformational…
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Southwestern’s Online Art Gallery

 Hello There!  Please enjoy the art, and words about the art processes that are posted here.  ~*~ The blog is intended to inspire the creator within in us all by both seeing various mediums used, as well as reading how the pieces have been created and what they mean to the artist. We will…
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A Bibliography on Ethical Practices in Social Research

These texts offer insight into the philosophies and methods behind ethical decision making in research design and execution. All books are accessible online and freely available to SWC students. To access just click the citation and enter the library's EBSCOhost login credentials, which can be obtained via the Library Group in Populi or by contacting…
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M.A. in Art Therapy/Counseling

Your Experience & Success in the Program   Your experience in the Art Therapy / Counseling program at Southwestern College will be a vibrant exploration of the art-filled therapeutic process. Our integrative approach not only honors the spiritual connection between soul and art, it also positions our students for professional success after…
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Applying to Counseling Program

    The following criteria must be fulfilled for admission to the Master's in Counseling. 1. A bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. The College recognizes the importance of life experience, letters of recommendation and personal motivation as indicators of academic readiness and success in the counseling field. These factors, along with a personal…
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Applying to Art Therapy/Counseling Program

The following criteria must be fulfilled for admission to the Master's program in Art Therapy/Counseling: 1. A Bachelor's degree from an accredited institution. The College recognizes the importance of life experience, references and personal motivation as indicators of academic success in the art therapy field. These factors, along with a personal statement which describes professional…
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Class Registration

Registering at Southwestern College  Registering for New Earth Institute (NEI) and Certificate Program Coursework You may register for a course in NEI or a certificate program once the quarterly course schedule is released. The schedule will list the New Earth Institute certificate courses offered during that quarter. Many of these courses are offered in…
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The End of a Storm Chasing Era

From 2002 through 2010, I went on storm chasing trips to the Great Plains around Texas almost every spring. Toward the end of these years, I started getting more insight into the psychological roots of my fascination with storms, and I stopped doing as much storm chasing. I wrote the following piece in the spring…
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Admissions Overview

If you have the motivation for self-discovery and the academic background to pursue a rigorous graduate degree in the fields of counseling, art therapy, consciousness, or regenerative leadership, your graduate school search will lead you to Southwestern College. Southwestern offers a holistic perspective in all our degree programs, whether you seek a Master's degree in…
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Tools & Resources

Need to perform research, track down hard sources, and edit/enhance photos for an assignment?  Looking for easy, web-based presentation software?  Want options for web-based storage?  Quimby's your hookup. On this page you'll find a number of free, web-based solutions for a multitude of needs you might have as a student, artist, or human being (or…
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Opportunities  Southwestern College (SWC) is a small, non-profit, consciousness-centered graduate school located in Santa Fe, New Mexico with an enrollment of approximately 200 students. We offer Master’s degree programs in Counseling, Art Therapy/Counseling, Art Therapy for Clinical Professionals, Consciousness in Action, and a PhD in Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership.  Current opportunities are listed here.…
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Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership PhD Program Requirements

Visioning and vision-based action are two interrelating, reciprocal expressions of regenerative leadership.   Jaffa Frank, Ph.D. PROGRAM REQUIREMENTS: OVERVIEW The Ph.D. in Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership requires completion of 75 quarter units. Students may complete all requirements within three years in 11 ten-week quarters. Students may also opt for part-time enrollment and complete within five…
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M.A. in Counseling – Clinical Mental Health Counseling

  We welcome your interest in our Master's degree program in Counseling (or the specialty area called Clinical Mental Health Counseling by CACREP and some state licensing boards). Southwestern College's Counseling program is fully approved by the Higher Learning Commission, and offers a number of distinctive advantages over most other clinical programs. The program can…
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Thoughts from Scruff, the Campus Squirrel

By Deborah Schroder So Scruff and I have become pretty close during the pandemic. He doesn’t share his face on social media but he let me use a stand-in so you could see where he lives. He lives around and under the pretty little bridge in the back of campus. I walk out that way…
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Ph.D. in Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership

PROGRAM OVERVIEW This unique trans-disciplinary doctoral program is designed to prepare you as a regenerative leader to navigate the complexities of changing the old story of separation, domination, competition and control into the emerging story of cooperation, compassion, connection and capacity to regenerate broken social systems and struggling ecosystems. Relationships based on authentic partnership…
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Manifesting Intentions in Maras, Peru (Week 3), by Candy Jones

This week has been one of manifesting intentions. Yesterday morning began as any other here on the compound.  The mountain summits rose majestically unabashed by gathering clouds.  The dogs scurried to my door and I exited my casa to make my morning coffee. The Women of Maras began to arrive shortly before nine…
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Consumer Information

Each year, schools must provide to enrolled students a notice containing a list of the consumer information it must disseminate, and the procedures for obtaining this consumer information. Schools must also provide notice of student rights under the Right to Know and Family Educational Rights and Privacy Acts. The primary method of disseminating consumer information…
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Top 5 Fave Grad School Study Spots in Santa Fe

In the the M.A. Art Therapy/Counseling program I find myself reading and/or studying quite a bit. Spending hours on end at home can be wearing. A simple change of location is enough to keep me energized and in the frame of mind to do my best work. My top five places to study in Santa…
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Summer 2018 eBooks

The following are links to full text eBooks, which are required reading for courses in the Summer 2018 quarter.  Upon clicking each link, you will be asked (on the page that loads) to provide an EBSCOhost User ID and Password to access the content, both of which can be obtained by contacting Quimby Memorial Library. ________________________________________ …
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Summer 2018 eBooks

The following are links to full text eBooks, which are required reading for courses in the Summer 2018 quarter.  Upon clicking each link, you will be asked (on the page that loads) to provide an EBSCOhost User ID and Password to access the content, both of which can be obtained by contacting Quimby Memorial Library. ________________________________________ …
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