Hello There!
Please enjoy the art, and words about the art processes that are posted here.
~*~ The blog is intended to inspire the creator within in us all by both seeing various mediums used, as well as reading how the pieces have been created and what they mean to the artist. We will be able to reply to posts with what they have encouraged in us or where they have led us imaginally. This blog is also intended to connect the Southwestern Community to the larger Art Therapy, and Artist Community. It will also be of great interest and value to prospective students, who will experience how Southwestern College approaches and values Art Therapy. ~*~
Please see that there are rules regarding commenting and submitting your art:
Submitting 1. A photograph of a personal piece of original art, a title, and if so inspired, 300 words related to the following: Materials used in the Art, Time Frame of Creation, Process of Creation (Layers, Free Association, thoughts) and comments about what the artist sees in the art or what the art “means” to the artist. You choose how you want to comment, comments on your piece can answer any, all, or none of the guidelines. 2. A photograph or photographs of an art directive (staged or real) done in a class / workshop / with clients. If you are including art from another, permission is necessary, and keep any required release forms. Please include comments about intention, process, and experience. We will post these images also on SWC’s Facebook page, and you will be tagged, allowing another dialogue about your art. Please submit artwork in jpeg form, (small files please!), and comments to go with the artwork (in body of the email) to swc_arttherapy@hotmail.com. The Art Gallery is not a means to sell artwork, however if you want viewers to be able to contact you about your artwork, please include your contact information in your 300 words. You should also indicate whether your image(s) are open for public use. If they are not, please put on the image “copyright 2012” (or whatever year it was completed). If you are unable to put this on the image copy of your artwork (with Photoshop, or even Word), please put this information in the body of the email, and I will put it in the comment section. Commenting on Submissions:
The guidelines that will be posted for commenting on posts is as follows, and comments will be reviewed by the moderator for appropriateness: 100 words regarding, what the viewer sees, what the art evokes within the viewer, and artwork that is inspired by the original post. Posting artwork that was inspired by a previous post will either be Created as its own post, or can be done through Facebook. We look forward to seeing your submissions. Thanks in advance to the creator within you! Magdalena Karlick, M.A., ATR, LPAT, LPCC swc_arttherapy@hotmail.com