The Winter Solstice starts the winter season on December 21, 2023.
The Earth is at its furthest point from the sun, resulting in the longest night of the year in the northern hemisphere. Astronomically, the Winter Solstice marks the start of longer days and shortening nights. Around the world, many cultures celebrate the Winter Solstice as the death and rebirth of the Sun. There are many similarities in ancient traditions celebrating the Winter Solstice. Some welcome the return of the sun god, the birth of the angel of light, celebration of light over darkness and evil, and festivities that last until the new sun rises again.
Spiritually, the Winter Solstice is symbolic of rebirth and new beginnings. Take the time to let yourself hibernate like the season, allow yourself rest before a new start. It is a period to rejuvenate your spirit, embrace rest to allow new growth in the upcoming season!
By Mariana Leon, SWC Student