Ceremony is inside of us
Sprinkled with stardust from galaxies that made us
Ceremony is inside of us
Walking in harmony with the mother’s beat
Hand within its wisdom’s dirt
Ceremony is inside of us
A sun dance of sunlight drumming tapestry
Ceremony is inside of us
Exchanging breath blessing with vision sessions
Ceremony is inside of us
Sacred as the dawn’s web and sleep’s portal
Ceremony is inside of us
Still as the night sky
Loud as the ocean’s roar craving for wanting more
silent as seashell whispers memories
Ceremony is inside of us
With wingspans of ancestral knowing
Cocooned with imaginal cells
Transforming our insides
While we listen to its symbiotic love song
© 2021 Iva Brito
Iva is a dynamic talent changing the world. As a native of Cabo Verde, West Africa, Iva channels her nostalgic love of her birthplace through her talents. Performing throughout the country, she shares her culturally diverse heritage through a wellspring love. Calling for liberation and justice for humanity; Iva expresses this passion through all her artistic works. She is the author of the poetry book Essence, Tones, Whispers and Shouts, a collection of poetry in which she draws on nature, past experiences, and her vision for an illuminated and inclusive world. The Ceremony Poem was inspired by the Dreams, Visions and the Sacred course as part of the Ecotherapy Certificate of the New Earth Institute at Southwestern College. Iva holds a Master’s of Science degree from UMASS – Boston. She completed her advanced graduate studies in Expressive Arts at Salve Regina University (SRU). Iva considers this an integral part of completing her studies in holistic counseling at SRU. As a licensed social worker, Iva serves as the Director of Bristol Community College Women’s Center. More about Iva can found at www.ivabrito.com