Aloha my Southwestern colleagues!
My name is Tess Yong Kim, and I am a graduate of 11/10/2018.
I began my clinical practice on 2/6/2019 as an LMHC (Licensed Mental Health Counselor). I’ve been working throughout this COVID-19 pandemic. I Just ended my weekly, “Substance Abuse Group Therapy,” with 8 clients through the Zoom video at First Nations Community HealthSource in ABQ, NM. The clients seem to appreciate the connection they felt through the video Group Therapy meeting. We meditated, shared and laughed together. In retrospect, Southwestern College prepared me well for this kind of uncertainty. I took an Altruism course in which I learned how to be altruistic with myself in order to serve others. We had to read a book, “How can I Help?” by Ram Dass. This book was important because it taught me I am also helped by the people I help. What a simple wisdom yet so easy to forget! I love being a therapist at this uncertain time. I am safe and vibrant more than ever. I jog, do yoga, make fresh juices, take a hot bath, read a feel-good book, sleep 6-7 hours, eat light and work at First Nations as a full-time mental health clinician.
I am feeling energized by the rays of the healing Sunlight on my skin as I walk across the parking lot to the clinic. Even in this war zone of ABQ, NM during COVID-19 time, there is infinite sunlight and there are radiant trees waiting to be touched that touch me. Each morning as I walk in the door a nurse checks me out; my temperature this morning is 97.8. Today I am extending my gratitude to Southwestern College mentors, teachers, courses and cohorts who nurtured and guided me to this rewarding and meaningful path. Ann, your Consciousness I and II courses are well utilized daily here and now. I love you all my Southwesterners, the consciousness centered future therapists!
*just finished my Substance Abuse Group Therapy through the Zoom Video in my office… click!!!