Thank you provisioning creatrix power of the living universe, of which we are a deep part, for guidance in helping connect us with the next now and necessary node(s) in the sinuous, supple, undulant, and infinite webweave of the cosmos-in-becoming knowing itself more deeply.
We honor affirm that as we are a part of the living universe, we have indwelling within us inner libraries of complete knowing, of humble mystery, of pure presence of the cosmos making itself and knowing itself more deeply. We offer our willing and healthy bodies, limbs, and sinews in supple radiance, as part of this beautiful unfoldment. Thank you for effortlessly connecting us with the people, sources, places, ripples, synchronicities, and service to which we are uniquely and which we are collectively belonging and becoming.
Thank you for providing us joyfulness and wonder as inner compasses for waymaking amongst these glorious stars and stellar nurseries of the cosmos in curiosity creating more of itself. We appreciate how the relational nature of connecting, reciprocating, and interdepending helps us become tendril and fiber of the regenerative nature of creation. We trust this process of beauty-making and interweaving. For these great miracles and more, offering into the love and structure of the living and regenerating universe(s), for the flourishing and reweaving of the world, we do give thanks!