Posts Tagged Consciousness
Posted March 5th, 2015 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More.
Influenced by archetypes and art therapy, Sprout explores the interplay between the unconscious and conscious parts of the psyche. …
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Posted December 7th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Student & Alumni Stories.
Exploring the simple pleasure of walking through personal narrative. …
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Posted December 1st, 2014 by Ann Filemyr & filed under Reflections from the President, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
Dr. Ann Filemyr tells the story of Psyche in her graduation speech, November, 2014.…
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Posted November 15th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, SWC Blog.
by Debbie Schroder
Program Chair for Art Therapy/Counseling Program
It doesn’t really surprise me that as we approach the eighth week of the quarter, I’m finally able to spend a little time putting together an image that contains mandalas created by incoming art therapy students, during orientation. The quarter has been full – of teaching…
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Posted November 6th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
"Wholeness for humans depends on the ability to own their own shadow." -C.G. Jung…
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Posted November 3rd, 2014 by Southwestern College & filed under Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
Bringing Together Yoga, Ayurveda & Psychotherapy…
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Posted October 24th, 2014 by Laura Lansrud- Lopez & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Where do SWC Grads Work, People of SWC.
Laura Lansrud-Lopez titles her 2nd act story “Follow Your Heart: Advice From a Graduate of Southwestern College.” Read about her career change from forensic firearms technician with the FBI to professional art therapist and clinical mental health counselor…
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Posted October 15th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Student & Alumni Stories.
Jacob Gotwals' "Second Act" involved leaving a successful corporate gig for a journey of spiritual awakening and a new profession as Counselor...…
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Posted August 31st, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
In the summer of 2014, I took "Foundations in Human Science Research" with Michael Schwab at Southwestern College. As part of this class, I wrote a research paper on spiritual awakening. This paper was based on 10 years of personal experience exploring spiritual awakening (through meditation and other forms of spiritual practice) from 2004 to…
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Posted July 31st, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Professional Training Certificates & NEI, SWC Blog.
by Debbie Schroder
On a recent Saturday I needed to be at a task force meeting at 9 a.m. Yes . . .Saturday . . .9 a.m.! Running late, desperate for caffeine, I zipped into a fast-food drive-through. And I was stunned by the beauty of an image I saw there. In an advertisement promoting…
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Posted July 3rd, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More.
In April, 2014 a call was made: "Archetypally speaking, who is showing up for you lately? What mentors, thieves, medicine folk, or tricksters are asking you to speak their name, embody their abilities, and artfully express the connections you have? Please, answer the call, create the art, embody the voice that wants to be heard…
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Posted May 29th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More, SWC Blog.
A photographic journey of the passing clouds in New Mexico and Colorado.…
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Posted May 5th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under SWC Blog.
First Year Art Therapy and Counseling student Caitlin Harper explores the magical ways in which great literature has informed her interest in Psychology…
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Posted May 1st, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Where do SWC Grads Work.
by Jessica Callaway, LPAT, LPCC, ATR-BC
I didn't know what to expect when I decided to go to Haiti. I realized when I was on the plane that I was partly, or mostly, going for selfish reasons. I was excited to practice art therapy and teach yoga in an environment I had never experienced,…
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Posted April 15th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More, SWC Blog.
I am a big fan of reusing materials into new forms. Broken bits glued together to make guardians; Torn fabric to make new yarn or a rug; Old shoes into a Journey; Or large boxes into castles. After reading, Endangered Threads: Socially Committed Community Art Action, by Janis Timm Bottos (2011), I knew that there…
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Posted April 14th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More, SWC Blog.
I'll start with an ending. One Art Therapy Techniques class in 2014 ended with each member of the group creating an altar of the art that was made during the quarter. We made Mandalas every class, as well as masks, body tracings, finger painting, inner guides and characters, and containers. In that class, I made…
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Posted March 10th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Where do SWC Grads Work.
1996 Grad, Jack Lehman, MA, LPCC, Certified Trainer – Center for Nonviolent Communication.
In Thailand, north of Chiang Mai, I worked individually with workshop participants in front of a group. It was a 2-day Introduction to Nonviolent Communication. I spent much of the winter of ‘10 -’11 in Thailand and gave 3 workshops there and…
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Posted February 22nd, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
Vice President Katherine Ninos shares her understanding of the essence of Quimby/Southwestern College...…
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Posted February 11th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Student & Alumni Stories.
In the face of so much destruction, injustice and greed, I ask myself what can I do?…
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Posted January 28th, 2014 by Southwestern College & filed under Student & Alumni Stories.
... staying in on a Saturday night to write a paper with the company of a Santa Fe Pale Ale and burning sage.
... is making, screaming at, rebelling against, and recreating a budget over and over again as I stumble towards financial sobriety.
... is shedding the self-construct that automates what I think I…
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Posted January 23rd, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More, SWC Blog.
What is a Container?
There are so many types of containers, a person, place, or thing that holds. Many images come to mind: a milk carton, hands, shoes, a home, a room, a box, a nest, my heart, a chair, a mouth, a closet… Many sensations come to body: warmth, safety, fear, constriction, flee,…
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Posted January 16th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness.
by Christine Miller
The initial quarter of classes I took at Southwestern College was both exciting and intimidating. It was through one of my first and most memorable classes that I learned the value of intention. Without a concrete intent to work on something, I would get lost in other thoughts and distractions or procrastinate…
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Posted January 13th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More.
My past year at Southwestern College has taken me on an intense personal journey. I have spent most of my life desperately trying to figure things out. I moved to Santa Fe to study Art Therapy and learn a bunch of theory and technique. I wanted to get smarter. Although I…
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Posted January 9th, 2014 by Donna Harrington & filed under Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, SWC Blog.
by Debbie Schroder
I have a song stuck in my head. I think it’s staying stuck because we’ve entered a new year and part of the lyrics are “How am I gonna be an optimist about this?” The song is called “Pompeii”, by Bastille.
This quirky song’s melody sounds pretty upbeat but the lyrics really appeal…
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