Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Posts Tagged Art Therapy

Home for the Holidays by Southwestern College Art Therapy student, Ali Simmel

Over winter break, I had a moment to pause and reflect on my journey as an online master’s student at Southwestern College (SWC) while talking to my family about how things have been going. Sharing that I’m thriving in my program and feeling proud of my accomplishments was a validating moment. Pursuing a degree in…
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Graduation 2023 Address for Degree Students -Jennifer Albright Knash, DAT

 Graduation Address: Jennifer Albright Knash, DAT, Chair of Art Therapy, Graduation Address, November 2023 Featured Photo of Virginia Padilla Vigil, Katherine Ninos and Jennifer Albright Knash More on: Jennifer Albright Knash, DAT, ATRL-BC, LPC/AODA, CCTP Jennifer Albright Knash is the Chair of the Art Therapy/Counseling program at Southwestern College.  She currently works with…
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Prioritizing Self Care as a Masters Student by Mariana Leon

Before attending Southwestern College, self-care was a weekend activity or something to do after all my priorities were completed. It was a luxury to have time for self care. My first class at Southwestern was Psychology of  Altruism: Fundamentals of Helping Relationships.  This course explored the balance of service and self-care. It wasn’t until then…
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The Magic of Trans-Formation: Alchemy, Gender, and JKR  

  Trans- (prefix): From Latin. (1) On the other side of : across : through : beyond (2) so or such as to change or transfer Southwestern College offers a curriculum that initiates transformational learning. Meaning, through the process of education one will emerge differently than they arrived. The mantra of the institution is “transforming…
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“Rising Hope” by Aubrey Leigh Newton

Rising Hope:   At first, I see the road ahead, to be long, and treacherous.  The mountains I see, as steep, and unforgiving.  I feared, challenges unknown, and obstacles well-placed ahead of me.  At times, I stumbled, from the weight of all I carry.  But, I feel my spirit, ignited once more, rising above the…
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Distance Art Therapy in the Time of COVID-19

By Laura Lansrud-Lopez At the beginning of March 2020, New Mexico experienced a statewide and rapid shift to physical distancing and stay-home requirements in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and global health crisis. Even with so much unknown, the leadership team at Tierra Nueva quickly recognized the impact this might have on our clients. The…
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Southwestern Soundbites: A Second Master’s Degree and Art Therapy

Hello, and welcome to Southwestern Soundbites. In this episode, Dru Phoenix talks about her experience as someone who already had a Master's degree and later decided to pursue another Master's degree in Art Therapy. She also discusses the power of art and what led to her decision to go in this direction. Tune in for…
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Holding the Heart

By Deborah Schroder An individual Zoom meeting with a student inspired me to think about this, and I so appreciate that. The student was wondering how faculty members were working to keep the heart of Southwestern present as we implement these new ways of teaching and “seeing” clients. Prior to my first class this quarter,…
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Cracked Wide Open

An apt title for the potential personal experience this global pandemic has encouraged. Two days after it was announced that gatherings of 50 or more people needed to be postponed, and that public schools in New Mexico would be closed until April 6th (now that has been extended through the end of the school year),…
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An Interview about the Art Therapy Field with Debbie Schroder, Program Chair of MA in Art Therapy/Counseling at Southwestern College

Debbie, you have been in the art therapy field for a significant time, can you tell us more about the trajectory of your career? Hindsight is amazing, but looking back I believe that each art therapy position helped me secure the next position. Sometimes I would take a leap of faith and try…
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A Lively Variation of Art Therapy

By Deborah Schroder Sometimes I think of art therapy as a wild, colorful plant, and I most often think in “plant words”, not “garden words” – which to me speaks of art therapy’s ability to grow and thrive in surprising, unexpected places. Although many have planted, nurtured and tended to it (garden words) over the…
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The Art-Filled Wall Continues to Blossom with Color!

By Deborah Schroder  I continue to be just stunned by the continuing wall of beauty that contains the Capstone murals. The weekend course, or Part One of Capstone, when the mural painting happens, is how we encourage students who are finishing up Practicum, to explore what they know and have experienced about group work, and…
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Inauguration of President Ann Filemyr & 40th Anniversary of Southwestern College

The initial impulse to create a unique higher learning institution devoted to consciousness began in 1976 in Alamogordo, NM. Then in the fall of 1979 the first 12 students began their course of study. In the first entering class was Katherine Ninos, M.A., LPCC, who now teaches and mentors other teachers in the Consciousness curriculum.…
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A glimpse: Teacher as Student Part 1

    I am a third of the way through my second residency at the European Graduate School in Saas-Fee Switzerland. This intermodal education challenges students to learn through our bodies, minds and hearts. Students and teachers from all over the world (Hong Kong, Canada, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Mexico, Germany, Mexico, United…
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On These Shoulders, I Stand

By Maqueita Eleazer  While taking the History of Art Therapy course, I was surprised to see that 7/301 pages mentioned the contributions that art therapists of color have made to the field of Art Therapy. Pioneers such as Cliff Joseph, Wayne Ramirez, Lucille Venture, Georgette Seabrook, etc. have made tremendous contributions to this profession, and…
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Communicating Creatively: Art, Music, and Alternative Addiction Treatment Therapies

Communicating Creatively: Art, Music, and Alternative Addiction Treatment Therapies --by Michelle Peterson   recoverypride.org Millions of people who suffer the ravages of drug and alcohol addiction benefit from traditional, 12-step treatment therapies. Nevertheless, there are some recovering addicts for whom such methods are not effective, and who need the help of alternative approaches that a decade…
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Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Caitlin Harper

I have been honored to serve the Nambé Pueblo community since October 2013. The reasons for my arrival to the little reservation nestled in a corner of the Sangre de Cristo mountains and hidden behind the winding backroads between Pojoaque and Chimayo, continue to be veiled in a mystery that deepens each day. I began…
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