ATR-National Credential
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- ATR-National Credential
Acquire Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC), pass National Counselors Exam (NCE)
1,000 Direct Contact Hours Post-Graduation
100 Hours Supervision (at least 50 with an ATR, ATR-BC, ATRS)
Application to Art Therapy Credentials Board (ATCB)
- Cost $125
- Must have 3 letters of reference (at least one from an ATR)
- Verification of Supervision and Client Hours Form
- Fill out official Transcript Request Form (costs $10)
- Copy of non-ATR supervisors license(s)
Maintaining ATR: $100 Annual Fee due June 30th
ATR-BC (Board Certified)
Take the ATCBCE (same exam for the LPAT) Cost $230
Special note for those wishing to take the ATCBE in the same year that the ATR is granted: Results of your ATR application will be available eight weeks after your complete application is received.* Therefore, your complete application packet must be received in the ATCB national office no later than March 23, 2012, if you intend to apply for Board Certification by May 21, 2012 and take the ATCBE on July 14, 2012. (includes a study guide)
$235 Application fee
Recertification is every 5 years, and includes a fee of $100 and proof of 100 CEUs (6 of ethics)