We are asked to look within ourselves in our first few classes here at SWC. This process varies from person to person. For me, it has been an incredible opportunity to work on some issues I had thought were already worked through. It only goes to prove the cyclical nature of self-exploration and personal growth. It is far from a linear experience!
In one of our classes we were asked to take the role of client and therapist with a fellow classmate and practice a concept called “mirroring.” The objective is to deeply listen, observe, and be with the other person. While being the client I talked about the relationship with my mother, and my classmate observed that every time I mentioned my mother, I would touch my ear. That was news to me! I had no idea I was doing that, so I started to think about it, and on the drive home, it hit me. This poem is how I processed this really important revelation and would have never happened had we not practiced mirroring in class. And to know the power of simply listening, and really being present with another person is a lesson that has changed my life and is one step further on this journey to becoming a true helper…
The Unlistening Ear
by Beth Lykins
“Listen to me
The little girl screams
within her hardened heart
and a crack forms
in the dusty walls
of the eternal
internment camp
of buried emotions
as the woman
on the outside
tugs at her ear
every time she
mentions her mother.
Deep within the woman
the cries of the
wounded little girl
resounded for years
until one day
someone commented
on this subconscious ritual
and finally
(yes finally)
someone could hear
the pain of being ignored
while viciously loved.
The silent plea
was finally heard
and the woman
opened her mouth
to birth the feelings
bottled deep within
and a garden of
emotions bloomed
and flowered forth
into the dry desert
of lonely, forgotten
watered finally
with the monsoon
of someone
who finally listened.