As graduate assistants at Southwestern College we get to do a variety of tasks, depending on our strengths and interests. While doing social media and blogging, I came up with the idea last fall to do a series of videos. What I realized is that while I was fortunate enough to already be living in Santa Fe and didn’t have the added pressure of moving on top of starting grad school, many of my classmates have come from out of state. Though the decision to come here was easy for many of them, I kept thinking about the others for whom the decision would not have been made lightly. I personally know that I could not have easily packed up and moved halfway across the country at this point in my life. My hope is that by interviewing some of my classmates that are currently in the thick of it, it might help others who are perhaps still on the fence. My goal is not to persuade you to choose Southwestern College, but to provide information to help you make a more informed decision. There is no school that is for everyone, and Southwestern College is no exception. I can say that for me it has been completely life transforming. That being said, I hope these videos help you decide if this is your cup of tea.
My former classmate (now a graduate and faculty member of SWC), Natascha Holmes has generously offered to share her experiences with us, and I’ll be interviewing other students as well in the hopes of giving you different perspectives. Enjoy!