“Bwoof… my name is Graham. Molly was my Mama for almost exactly 15 years and 4 months. We had so much fun together – walking, hiking, watching movies (Charlotte’s Web was one of my favorites!!), going for rides & getting treats at drive-through windows all across the country. I’m pretty sure we went everywhere together. North Carolina was were I was born, then down to the muggy, palmetto-bug ridden coast of Charleston, then waaaaay up and over (BIG road trip for me with HOTELS and cable TV!) to Montana, then finally down to magical Santa Fe, New Mexico where I fell asleep in my Mama’s arms on July 10, 2013. I think I am at that really special place people call the Rainbow Bridge now, running and playing & pooping glitter & bubbles, waiting to see my Mama again someday…. bwoof, bwoof!!” ~ Graham (& his loyal person, Molly Doerner, entering her 2nd year at SWC)