… staying in on a Saturday night to write a paper with the company of a Santa Fe Pale Ale and burning sage.
… is making, screaming at, rebelling against, and recreating a budget over and over again as I stumble towards financial sobriety.
… is shedding the self-construct that automates what I think I want and stepping into the fire of choosing what it is that I actually want.
… is learning the meaning of community, and the lie of egocentricity.
… is becoming desensitized to the fact that EVERYTHING is adobe.
… is smoking peace pipes in class ceremonies.
… is making friendships that I will want to last my lifetime.
… is staying connected to my inner child even though I am embracing my responsibility to be an adult.
… is accepting the wrinkles and brittle hair this high mountain desert is giving me.
… is 350 days of blue skies and gorgeous sun, making sunglasses a top priority while driving.
… is doing piles and piles of art. And usually crying over said art.
… is dating a bunch of wrong people, and maybe one right person…?
… is expanding my window of tolerance for being seen, whether it is breaking down in class, working authentically with clients, or forcing myself to perform karaoke at the Cowgirl.
… is learning that I am my own best friend.
… is going through therapy marathons that take the guise of “weekend classes”.
… is skiing at the basin before an afternoon class.
… is learning the importance of owning and knowing how to use jumper cables.
… is being taken over by the energy vortex of Queen Elizabeth the First to convey messages of service, sacrifice and ambition.
… is getting to be the kind of person who says ‘I love my job’.
… is hopefully going to end in graduation….stay tuned.