Would I rather be ‘right’ or be in the loving?
“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
“Every time you smile at someone, it is an action of love, a gift to that person, a beautiful thing.”
– Mother Teresa
“As I walked out the door to the gate that would lead to my freedom, I knew if I didn’t leave my bitterness and hatred behind, I’d still be in prison.” – Nelson Mandela
“If I act out of integrity and loving, it doesn’t matter who is right.” – John Roger
Each teacher shares these gifts of remembering to forgive, not necessarily what others have done, but our own judgments that cloud our ability to see, to know who we truly are. The more we are able to forgive, to clear, to completely let go and forget, the more loving we experience.
Here are two examples from my own life:
1. Yesterday
I forget who I am
Though I can’t pinpoint why, everything feels wrong
No matter how brightly the sun shines, today sucks
I want to be grumpy, angry
I feel anger rising up for no apparent/evident reason
No matter how hard I try . . . . .
No matter how beautiful others say I look
I feel mean. I feel like being mean and I know I’m right.
2. Thursday (a day with Altruism class)
I see who I am
I see others through the eyes of loving
Loving is what is REAL
My heart sings the song of freedom
Even if I don’t face an issue, I know it’s ok; I will face it when I am ready/when it is time
(and this is what it feels like)