As a Faculty Mentor in the transdisciplinary Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership (VPRL) PhD program at Southwestern College, I bring the experience of 20 years in higher education in mostly traditional settings. I intentionally chose a transdisciplinary doctoral program myself. I bring both lenses – traditional and transdisciplinary – to my work in VPRL. I see in the VPRL program a unique and exquisite combination of rigorous scholarship woven with collaboration, support, authenticity, and spirit. Multiple ways of knowing and expression are valued and integrated to create a holistic experience.
In my second year as a Faculty Mentor, I continue to be amazed at the phenomenal students and faculty drawn to this program. In our recent gathering at the Southwestern College campus, doctoral students shared their Vision Seeds. What an honor to experience the emergent scholarship and dedication to transformation these doctoral students are bringing into the world.
Vice President of Academic and Student Affairs Dr. Virginia Padilla-Vigil says, “We attract unicorns.” We do. My experience as a Faculty Mentor has been nothing short of magical. To have this supportive mentor relationship woven into the core of the program reflects the wisdom of VPRL Founder and Director, Dr. Ann Filemyr, and Associate Director Dr. Marna Hauk. They have created a unique mentorship program to support doctoral students navigating the unfamiliar landscape of a doctoral program.
My experience as a mentor enriches my world through the ongoing exploration of ideas and the collaboration between mentor and mentee. We share this journey of discovery together. Genell, one of my mentee’s asked me, “Dawn, what is it exactly that we do together?”
“That’s the beauty of this relationship,” I replied. “What we do is ours to create. We can do whatever will best serve your doctoral journey.”
Every mentor/mentee relationship is different. My other mentee, Beth, called me with wonderful news to share, and we celebrated together with whoops on the phone!
The mentor/mentee relationship is a living and emergent entity that can shift and adapt to the moment. That said, we mentors recognize that it is our responsibility to be a foundation supporting emergence and growth for each doctoral student’s vision seed. We are a companion, a thought partner, or a gentle guide in terrain that we’ve traversed. The mentor/mentee relationship promotes creativity, companionship, and expansion. It is a joy to be part of it.
Featured Photo:
VPRL Faculty Mentor Dr. Dawn Wink with Vice President of Academic & Student Affairs Dr. Virginia Padilla-Vigil