Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

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Summer 2018 eBooks

The following are links to full text eBooks, which are required reading for courses in the Summer 2018 quarter.  Upon clicking each link, you will be asked (on the page that loads) to provide an EBSCOhost User ID and Password to access the content, both of which can be obtained by contacting Quimby Memorial Library. ________________________________________ …
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Digital Media, Personal Narrative and Art Therapy: The Great Unknown

The technology of the internet... what does it mean? Does the internet teach social skills? Does it matter? Can we make connections via the internet and are they real? What about personal narrative? How does digital media affect us? In this video interview Dr. Natalie Carlton discusses the topic of digital media as narrative, people's…
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Quimby Memorial Library

Hours for Spring Quarter 2024   Librarians will be in the library and available for on-site assistance throughout SWC's 2024 Spring Quarter. On-site access to Quimby Memorial Library's collections, resources, and services will be available Monday through Thursday, 12PM - 5PM. Come by anytime within those hours to browse, borrow, meet with a librarian, or…
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Hello Perfectionism, Meet Patience

“Interesting how you are only using a black sharpie marker in your art today,” says my art therapist, as she gently points out my visible tension with perfectionistic, black and white thinking….…
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Financial Aid Checklist for Accepted Students

  If you plan to apply for ANY form of financial aid (loans, scholarships, graduate assistantships, etc.), please use this checklist to guide you through the application process. In preparation, please read all of the material on the financial aid pages. These pages include information on applying for student loans and graduate assistantships, websites for scholarship information and federal and local guidelines.…
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A Bibliography on Conducting Research with Vulnerable Populations

Research involving participants who are part of vulnerable populations requires another layer of ethical consideration, in order to ensure not only the transparency necessary for respectful, mutually beneficial cooperation between researcher and subject but also the most accurate and applicable data. The following bibliography will help guide you in the philosophies and methods of ethical…
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A Message from the President’s Office

Letter from President Ann Filemyr to Prospective Students Southwestern College is a unique learning environment dedicated to preparing graduate students for meaningful lives of engagement and commitment. We offer four Master of Arts degrees. These include: Counseling, Art Therapy/Counseling, Art Therapy for Clinical Professionals and Consciousness in Action. In addition, we offer a PhD…
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A Southwestern College Intern’s Letter from Prison

Reflection Option #3: A Letter to My Teacher--By Colleen Dougherty Dr. Carol Parker, Ph.D, LPCC Southwestern College, Santa Fe, NM Dec. 3, 2012   Dear Carol, I am writing to tell you about my experiences so far in the AmeriCorps program called OARS-Opportunities in AmeriCorps for Re-entry Success. This program exists in four of New…
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Psychology of Altruism: A Creative Experience

by Christine Miller The initial quarter of classes I took at Southwestern College was both exciting and intimidating. It was through one of my first and most memorable classes that I learned the value of intention. Without a concrete intent to work on something, I would get lost in other thoughts and distractions or procrastinate…
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Crystal Rozelle-Bennett, MSW, LMSW

Crystal was the first in her family to attend college and earned a Bachelor’s in Arts in Psychology from Wells College, located in Aurora, NY. She went on to earn her Masters in Social Work from Florida State University and currently holds her LMSW. For the past 25 years Crystal has been driven by her…
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Wild Heart Gallery Featured Artist: Laura Murphy

Lead-in Students new to Southwestern College in the fall of 2016 were invited to introduce themselves through their art and other creative processes. It is the Wild Heart Gallery's honor to feature a few of the contributing artists of the Lead-in exhibition.  Artist: Laura Murphy Title: Awake. Present. Healing. Laura's expressive…
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Decolonizing Education by Andrea Twitchell

The other morning I came into contact with a report by Jonathan Cook from the Aljazeera international news station. His correspondence, Israeli textbook 'bad for Arabs, bad for Jews,' resonated with a recent discussion I had. Mr. Cook shared a piece on the war and conflict segment on Israeli’s ministry of education’s effect on Palestinian…
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Exploring Loss

Loss has been part of life since the beginning of time. It happens in nature with the seasons, animals and natural disasters. With humanity’s evolution, especially in certain societies, loss was hushed and shelved away in some imaginary file cabinet called denial. Grief, death, loss and other “sad” words were not spoken. When there were…
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Southwestern Soundbites: AAR Holistic Models and Biological Aspects of Addiction and Recovery

Welcome to another episode of Southwestern Soundbites– quick audio clips featuring current students, staff, and faculty discussing SWC’s various certificate programs. In this episode, Courtney Shackelford (Admissions Associate and current student) talks to her friend and peer, Amanda LaMendola. Amanda is both a student in the Art Therapy/Counseling program and the Addictions, Abuse, and Recovery…
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Jason Holley, M.A., LPCC

AB, Princeton University, Transnational Cultural Studies MA, Southwestern College, Counseling Jason is a psychotherapist in private practice in Santa Fe. Prior to entering private practice, he served as a primary therapist at the Life Healing Center of Santa Fe, where he helped to found its internationally-recognized sexual addiction treatment programs for men and women. He…
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Wilderness Fast Dreams Become Reality- Jessica Ventura-Ewing

by Jessica Ventura-Ewing "Until You Know Yourself Happiness Cannot Come To You" ~ Yogi Tea When thinking about the maternal lineage in my family the feeling that kept presenting itself was sadness. Not a normal type of everyday sadness but a deep seeded sadness that stemmed from birth, something that all of the…
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Reboot Your Body, Mind, and Spirit with Collage!

by Karen Stefano Ed.M., M.A., L.P.C., NCC   How can you unwind your body and mind, listen to the inner stirrings of your spirit, and supercharge your creativity? It’s easy. Tissue Paper Collage! Mythologist Joseph Campbell said, “The privilege of a lifetime is being who you are.” The truth is that our culture is motivated,…
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Ethical Principles

The following list, provided by the U.S. National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, composes a summary of the key ethical principles, which guide decision-making in ethical research.       Honesty: Honestly report data, results, methods and procedures, and publication status. Do not fabricate, falsify, or misrepresent data.   Objectivity: Strive to avoid bias in…
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Courageous Compassion at the Crossroads of Conflict

Courageous Compassion at the Crossroads of Conflict is a talk President Ann Filemyr gave to Unity Santa Fe on the morning of Sunday, September 13. It is an invitation to consider what we can bring to the conflicts within and around us at this time of social unrest and global pandemic. She shares an old story…
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