Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Art-Based Genograms: Ancestors Visible

by Debbie Schroder The idea seems simple, initially. When making a Genogram (kind of a family tree) use an image instead of a square or circle (how Genograms are usually done).  Each week in my Family Art Therapy course, one or two students shared their art-based Genograms. Never doubting our…
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Exploring Loss

Loss has been part of life since the beginning of time. It happens in nature with the seasons, animals and natural disasters. With humanity’s evolution, especially in certain societies, loss was hushed and shelved away in some imaginary file cabinet called denial. Grief, death, loss and other “sad” words were not spoken. When there were…
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The Grief Process

I think of grief as the normal and natural healing process from a loss. There are many forms of loss, including, loss of a pet, health, home, finances, dreams and hopes, motivation, Self, addiction, social status, time, and, of course, death of a loved one. Any time you experience loss you may undergo a grief…
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What is the Difference Between Grief and Trauma? from Rev. Ted Wiard

 A Blog on Grief and Loss, from Ted Wiard Dear Ted, What is the difference between grief and trauma? Sincerely, Just Interested Dear Interested: Thank you for your question. Unfortunately, grief and trauma are common topics in our world today. Grief is the natural emotional process of healing after a loss that allows the intensity…
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Art Therapy Heals Through Interpersonal Neurobiology

by Amy Hautman Bates   Watching the jellyfish at the Albuquerque Aquarium reminded me of how magical and mysterious we all are. The photos I took were perfect for my presentation about Interpersonal Neurobiology and Art Therapy for my Art Theories class at Southwestern College. Painting a watercolor helped me to visualize the brain and…
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Maras Weaving Project

Southwestern College sends interested interns to the Andean village of  Maras, Peru to work with children ages 4-12 in the elementary school and in an after-school program.  This region, located at 13,000 feet, is very poor due to an ongoing drought and loss of crops and animals.  Men and boys leave Maras to work in…
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Growthiness, By Andrew Fearnside

3,000 Hours: Growthiness   Growthy [Grohth-ee] adjective. 1. Generating personal growth. 2. Transformative.   Growth. Transformation. Expanding consciousness. Meaning the development of new psychological capacities, new relationships, new understandings. Those are the goals. I believe they're the goals of every being everywhere, including mountains and rivers and clouds, if those can be said to have…
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Shadow Boxes

Shadow Boxes created in my section of Current Trends in Art Therapy, Winter 2013. After exploring a population that students have a form of resistance to working with (from lack of information to disinterest, to strong opposition) through a research and reflection paper, they were asked to look at how their resistance is a part…
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I am blessed to have amazing teachers in this lifetime – from India, from South America, from the reservations of our own Turtle Island. My favorite teachers are the everyday people who teach just by being who they are. I think of Ronnie, our Navaho guide for our Wilderness Fasts in Canyon de Chelly.  Ronnie…
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The Teachings of Pachamama, Mother Earth

Pachamama is my teacher...........                                                             by Candy Jones, student at Southwestern College "I go among trees and sit still. All my stirring becomes quiet around me like circles on water. My tasks lie in their places where I left them, asleep like cattle." - Wendell Berry from A Timbered Chore Take Me to Bethlehem …
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SWC First Year Student Wrestles With Consciousness

ON BEING HUMAN at Southwestern College, Santa Fe - Allegra Borghese I sit in client-mode, staring at myself down a long, dark tunnel. I see a flicker of myself that has been mischievously hiding for a long time. The uncanny feeling that emerges is a potent reality check slicing through who I think myself to…
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A Poetic Journey through Ethics and Personal Transformation, by Student Camille Grec

Professional Ethics in Art Therapy Final Paper Camille Grec Autumn 2012 “But I say to you that when you work you fulfil a part of of earth’s furthest dream, assigned to you when that dream was born. ...And in keeping yourself with labour you are in truth loving life, and to love life through…
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Psychodrama “Soul in Action” Healing Method

by Amy Hautman Bates My first quarter at SWC has introduced me to what seems like a million new healing practices.  One I find particularly interesting is Psychodrama. It is believed that acting out physically frees us from barriers and allows us to act spontaneously in the here and now.  I like drama and I…
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Scenes from Supervision

 by Debbie Schroder A few months ago I wrote about the importance of words. Today I’m having trouble finding the right ones to describe my experience in supervision this quarter. Not wanting to add to the old myth that art therapists don’t talk, I’ll try to summon some words to express what I’m very aware…
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A Southwestern College Intern’s Letter from Prison

Reflection Option #3: A Letter to My Teacher--By Colleen Dougherty Dr. Carol Parker, Ph.D, LPCC Southwestern College, Santa Fe, NM Dec. 3, 2012   Dear Carol, I am writing to tell you about my experiences so far in the AmeriCorps program called OARS-Opportunities in AmeriCorps for Re-entry Success. This program exists in four of New…
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Shamanic Journey Down Tobacco Road

My Journey With My Ally Plant, by Dr. Carol Parker About 10 years ago while leading one of my first Wilderness Fast ceremonies in a remote location in Death Valley, I was shocked when a young woman named Ricki returned from her solo site laden with three-foot long stalks of Wild Tobacco. I had no…
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