Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Who’s Who at Southwestern College – Deborah Schroder

I’m the chairperson of the Art Therapy/Counseling program. I moved to Santa Fe to teach at Southwestern College in 2002, and continue to be delighted by the insightful art therapy provided by our students during Practicum and Internship. It’s been an honor to witness our students as they blossom into therapists. And actually, I also…
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Ponderings on Life Purpose

Life purpose and vocation; I sometimes wonder how they are related.  Sometimes I hear life purpose described simply and clearly, like this quote from notetoselfphilosophy.com:  Note to Self: “What is my purpose in life?” I asked the void. “What if I told you that you fulfilled it when you took an extra hour to talk…
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The Call of the Times and the Rise of Art Therapy

Featured Artwork: Mandala Buddha, acrylic on paper, 36"x24", 2012, Tejal Murray Over the last few blogs, I’ve been exploring Stephen Cope’s The Great Work of Your Life in a general way with examples from my own life. Today, I’m going to dive more deeply into the teachings by profiling one of Southwestern College’s graduates. …
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Aim is Everything

In my last blog, I talked about the intersection of dharma (our sacred duty in this lifetime) and flourishing at midlife. The issue that typically arises from someone exploring dharma at midlife is fear. Fear that they’ll have to throw away most everything they’ve created and worked for in order to follow their dharma. Sometimes,…
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Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Lee Cartwright

Lee Cartwright, M.A. I have a private practice that focuses on helping people resolve the biological/energetic basis of trauma. I feel deeply honored to do the work I do. I am also blessed to be a presenter in the Trauma, Grief & Renewal certificate program and at the College's Annual Transformation and Healing Conference.  Although all of the modalities…
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Flourishing in your Dharma at Midlife

I'd been exploring the intersection of Stephen Cope's book The Great Work of Your Life: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling, and Martin E. P. Seligman's book Flourish: A Visionary New Understanding of Happiness and Well-Being in relation to a blog series when this photo quote by Brené Brown came across my Facebook feed. I think she hit…
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Who’s Who at Southwestern College – Kathryn Harris Tijerina

Southwestern College is really defined by the extraordinary  individuals who work there–the staff, instructors, and the board members. In an effort to give you a more intimate sense of  our school, we are launching the “Who’s Who at Southwestern College”  series so that you will get to know these extraordinary people who change lives. So…
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Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Charmayne Kilcup

How Quitting School Was the Best Thing that Ever Happened to Me  Charmayne Kilcup, Ph.D.  At the young age of 23, I was bright-eyed, bushy-tailed, and sure I wanted to be a therapist. I had just graduated college and knew that furthering my studies was the next step in my career. I had fallen in…
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Embracing Intuition at Midlife: The Key to Living Your Dharma (Part 1 of 3)

Part 1 - Living Your Dharma As spirituality goes mainstream, there is much talk about “living your dharma”. But what does that really mean? René Guénon, in Introduction to the Study of Hindu Doctrines defines dharma as “the essential nature of a being, comprising the sum of its particular qualities or characteristics, and determining, by virtue…
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Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Jeffrey Piacitelli

For the past 8 years I have worked at county community health agencies in Oregon providing therapy, case management, forensic program oversight and clinical supervision to chronically mentally ill populations (and the teams that serve them) in three different counties. I am currently a Program Manager for a Community Supports Team, and in the next…
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