By Deborah Schroder
A tiny flash of yellow, right outside my window, caught my eye today. A precious little yellow bird was clinging to the branch of a pine tree. The usual New Mexican spring wind was blowing and the branch was really moving around. The tiny bird seemed to be just fine, riding the wild breeze.
Wish I could say that I was riding our pandemic wind storm as gracefully. Or actually with any grace at all! I feel like most days I fly splat into a sliding glass door. And yet, with some loud chirping (this bird has been doing some serious swearing), I manage to straighten up and fly another day.
There’s so many good bird metaphors that come to mind right now – tired of your nest but grateful to have one? Exhausted by the demands of all the birds squished into your nest? Tired of trying to keep up with the bugs and worms supply?
A couple of weeks ago during a guided meditation a plain little brown bird popped into my head and invited me to fly higher to get a wider view. That seemed to help.
So sometimes I try and find that bigger perspective. Mostly I’m clinging to my branch, trying to find my sense of humor as I literally erase all the “fun” from my summer calendar. I have a good branch though, fortunate for work, grateful for health so far.
How are you holding on?