Robert Waterman, EdD, LPCC

Dr. Waterman, EdD, LPCC, is founder and President Emeritus of Southwestern College. He has a doctorate in Education and Counseling, a Masters in Sociology from New Mexico State University and a B.A. in Sociology from the University of California at Santa Barbara. Besides leading the curriculum development of Southwestern College, he developed a Ph.D. program in Transformational Leadership for Insight University. He participated in an extensive internship in spiritual studies at Quimby Center (An educational and therapeutic community guided by the healing philosophy of Phineas Parkhust Quimby), continuing as staff member. He is also a minister in the Movement of Spiritual Inner Awareness. A primary driver of his spiritual interest came from early awakening experiences and translating of his experience in the Civil Rights movement of the 60s into a vision of social transformation and consciousness education through spiritual awakening.
He is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor in the State of New Mexico with an active counseling a teaching and supervisory practice. He continues to teach, lecture and offer workshops for Southwestern College and the New Earth Institute. Additionally, he works nationally and internationally providing intensive workshops in the lifelong consciousness development in the United States and Switzerland.Dr. Waterman is the author of three books, Footprints of Eternity (Infinity), Eyes Made of Soul (Xlibris) and Power of Love: The Ways and Means (Dog Ear Publishing).
Videos on Teaching Archetypal Psychology
Robert Waterman on Teaching Archetypal Psychology
Robert Waterman on Teaching Archetypal Psychology Part II
Philosophy of Teaching
I approach each student knowing that the learning they seek, and the issues that they must transform to achieve that learning, exists within as an innate curriculum shaped by the actualizing Soul impulse. I engage the student’s process through my own innate knowing. Subject topics, in the conventional sense, are embedded within the greater intent of the Soul’s actualization. In this way transformation is the learning experience. My ability to do this comes from my inward relationship to the universe and understanding that life is a reflexive relationship of inner and outer reality.
My approach requires a sufficient awareness of the continual energetic conversation within the experience of the learning matrix. Learning occurs in the present moment as a relationship of the whole to the particular experience. Teaching bridges the universal field and the morphogenetic field of the student. This means I must be able to track subtle shifts in the student’s behavior, and witness energetic changes in the morphogenetic field. We create, promote or allow whatever happens to us. This means that the understanding students seek is also seeking them. My role is to assist that relationship.