I met Joshuri at school today (who quite amazingly has the same name as Adolfo and Rodolfo…..Tito Condori) and two other little boys. At the end of the two-hour session the 7-year old boy said to me “escuela bonito!” How’s them apples?
We started with animal figurines and the board translating English and Spanish and making animal noises. We then moved on to training the dogs. After that we flew through the labyrinth like planes, and ultimately walked the remainder of the way and held hands in the centro de circle—back out again to playing the flutes/drum/rattle, then on to the animal puppets, finally doing two puzzles and, when complete, we blew up balloons (I taught them how to make wonderfully loud sounds when you let the air escape, which they adored) then drew on the balloons and school was complete!
Tomorrow, off to breakfast (a big one is promised) by JL….