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SWC: The Experience by Claudia Escareño-Clark
As graduate assistants at Southwestern College we get to do a variety of tasks, depending on our strengths and interests. While doing social media and blogging, I came up with...
Mapping Out Family Systems with Genogram Oil Painting
by Amy Hautman Bates I can easily draw a family tree, but in Family Art Therapy class we made genograms to explain our relationships with our families. Many people can...
by Donna Harrington | January 26, 2014 | Permalink
Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories -
Creating a Vision Board: A Fresh Start to a New Year
First year art therapy student describes her experience using a vision board to ring in 2014 and details some basic tips on creating vision boards. ...
by Donna Harrington | January 17, 2014 | Permalink
Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories -
Psychology of Altruism: A Creative Experience
by Christine Miller The initial quarter of classes I took at Southwestern College was both exciting and intimidating. It was through one of my first and most memorable classes that...
by Donna Harrington | January 16, 2014 | Permalink
Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
Would I rather be ‘right’ or be in the loving? “If you judge people, you have no time to love them.” “Every time you smile at someone, it...
by Southwestern College | January 15, 2014 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
Personal Journey Revealed Through Watercolor Painting of White Doves
My past year at Southwestern College has taken me on an intense personal journey. I have spent most of my life desperately trying to figure things...
by Donna Harrington | January 13, 2014 | Permalink
Art Therapy at SWC, Counseling at SWC, Student & Alumni Stories, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More -
Laying Low
*This post is a special note to myself, a reminder that my job is not to be Little Miss Sunshine ALL the time, but more accurately sometimes the clearest joy...
by Southwestern College | January 12, 2014 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
Balancing Act/Rhythm Dance
"Be aware of wonder. Live a balanced life - learn some and think some and draw and paint and sing and dance and play and work every day some."...
by Southwestern College | January 10, 2014 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
An Art Therapy Student’s Resolutions for the New Year
My New Year resolutions are usually the same every year: be healthier, be nicer, and appreciate the simple things. But this year felt different. For some reason I lit a...
Freedom Did you ever have that feeling like a cloud of lively bats is swarming about your head? I have and it's really challenging to get bat guano out of...
Why I’m Getting a Master’s in Counseling at Southwestern College
This is episode 2 of the Aspiring Coaches and Therapists podcast, by Emilah Dawn DeToro and Jacob Gotwals. In this episode, Jacob describes how he chose to enter a master’s...
Where Do Southwestern College Grads Work? Karen Wennberg
"My clients are the best of my teachers, and I am forever grateful to them." - Karen Wennberg A few months after graduation, I worked up the courage to take...
by Southwestern College | December 11, 2013 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Where do SWC Grads Work -
Peru Update by Candy Jones
Last week the Escuela Bonita Pachamama Mural series was completed and hung on the walls of the school. The typical labyrinth exercises, games, escuela perro, and puzzles were...
Closing Down by Candy Jones
The clouds have obscured much of the Apus (mountains) today. The rainy season is fully embracing the landscapes. The shortage of water in Maras welcomes the water that...
Gratitude at the Grand Canyon: Two Students’ Road Trip for Thanksgiving
SWC Fun at the Grand Canyon By Allegra Borghese Part of the fun of moving to Santa Fe for grad school is getting to explore a new geographical location. The...
Staying Centered and Grounded as a Practicing Art Therapist
By Amy Hautman Bates So far my education at Southwestern College has been truly amazing. The mission of the college “Transforming Consciousness Through Education,” has resonated with my beliefs and...
by Donna Harrington | December 8, 2013 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
Hues of Hay: A Collection of Interviews and Photographs
A collection of photos and interviews engaging the relationship between our minds and bodies. ...
by Donna Harrington | December 6, 2013 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Wild Heart Gallery, Creativity & More -
Puma……Peruvian Shaman Encounter
As soon as I hit Maras pavement, I emailed Puma of Chinchero. He was the Shaman that my professor, Carol Parker, had recommended. His email response was immediate. ...
by counseling center | November 27, 2013 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Ecotherapy, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
My First Quarter Experiences at Southwestern College
First year grad student Lynsey Rubin talks about her welcoming experience at Southwestern College, and the surprising ways the school creates a safe and welcoming atmosphere. ...
by Donna Harrington | November 13, 2013 | Permalink
Student & Alumni Stories, Consciousness & Mindfulness -
Why Not Add Coaching to Your Practice? by Michelle Harkey
Personal or Life Coaching is a great adjunct service for Therapists/Counselors to add to their practice. This post explains how and why. ...
Interview with Daniel: Living Through Art Therapy
Daniel, and Art Therapy/Counseling student at SWC vividly describes his initial impressions of SWC, his thoughts on art, helping and transitional periods. ...
Interview with Britt: Art is a Language
Britt shares her initial impressions of Southwestern College and her unique perspective on art therapy. ...
Interview with Sylvan: Gifts Through Adversity
Sylvan, a counseling student at Southwestern, shares his thoughts on New Mexico, SWC and counseling. ...
Weaving Together the Quilt of Southwestern College
Southwestern College student, Mary Edson, interviews four new students to get their insight on what it is that makes the Southwestern College experience so unique. What the students have to...