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2 new murals, a Capstone Process
Our Capstone process underwent a new iteration this year. With the class split in half with students who are learning at a distance, and students who are local to Southwestern...
Murals, Relationship & Endings
As I move towards facilitating my last mural painting process at Southwestern College, I am thinking about relationships, legacy and love. Debbie Schroder and I have co-facilitated this process since...
Hope’s Tree & New Beginnings at SWC
Jennifer Albright Knash joined the Southwestern College family as department chair of the Art Therapy & Counseling program this past spring 2022. She has brought diplomacy, kindness, creativity and a...
Relatedness and Regeneration by Marna Hauk, PhD
adrienne maree brown, in Emergent Strategy: Shaping Change, Changing Worlds “Developing your capacity for adaptation can mean assessing your default reactions to change, and whether those reactions create space for...
The Importance of Magic Pintos by Deborah Schroder, Program Chair
I’ve been with Southwestern College for almost 20 years. As I get ready to move on to a new position in northern New Mexico, I’m aware of what an...
Beyond “Bad” News by Kate Latimer, Program Chair MA in Counseling
I recently read a New York Times article titled, Bad News Bias, (published Wednesday, March 24, 2021) citing a recent study showing that press coverage of COVID-19 was overwhelmingly...
This Week’s Hard Walk
By Deborah Schroder At Southwestern we believe that therapists should be grounded by their own connection to their spirituality. And we hold a wide view of what those spiritual...
Thoughts on Future Bound Genograms by Deborah Schroder, ATCN Program Chair
This quarter I’m teaching two sections of one of my favorite courses – Family Art Therapy. As we’ve been exploring many aspects of intergenerational trauma and historical intergenerational trauma,...
Courageous Compassion at the Crossroads of Conflict
Courageous Compassion at the Crossroads of Conflict is a talk President Ann Filemyr gave to Unity Santa Fe on the morning of Sunday, September 13. It is an invitation to consider...
Thoughts from Scruff, the Campus Squirrel
By Deborah Schroder So Scruff and I have become pretty close during the pandemic. He doesn’t share his face on social media but he let me use a stand-in so...
Ann Filemyr, College President on “Racial Justice” with painting by Onde Chymes
My heart has been heavy this past week as yet another African American man was brutally murdered by a white police officer. The brutality has once again sparked outrage,...
Conversations I Never Had with My Daughter, By Deborah Schroder, Program Chair MA in Art Therapy/Counseling
I asked her permission to write this. It’s more her story than mine, but she doesn’t have time to write anything, being a mom of three small ones. My...
Holding On
By Deborah Schroder A tiny flash of yellow, right outside my window, caught my eye today. A precious little yellow bird was clinging to the branch of a pine tree....
Creativity & Healing and an invite to “SWC Creative Commons” by President Ann Filemyr
Creativity & Healing Social distancing does not have to limit our creativity. Are you dancing in the living room? Playing the ukulele in bed? Singing in the shower? Penning poetry...
Holding the Heart
By Deborah Schroder An individual Zoom meeting with a student inspired me to think about this, and I so appreciate that. The student was wondering how faculty members were working...
Cracked Wide Open
An apt title for the potential personal experience this global pandemic has encouraged. Two days after it was announced that gatherings of 50 or more people needed to be postponed,...