Blog › Counseling at SWC
Southwestern College’s Counseling Program is Unique
Dr. Carol Parker is the Chair of the Southwestern College Counseling Program. Here she explains, in a series of three narratives, how the Southwestern Counseling Program is unique...And Carol knows...
The Southwestern College Masters in Counseling Program: What Makes us Unique?
3 Anecdotes from Carol Parker about what makes SWC/New Earth's Counseling program unique......
Psychotherapy as a Creative Process with Tejal Murray
This is episode 9 of the Aspiring Coaches and Therapists podcast, by Jacob Gotwals. In this episode (recorded in January 2014), I interview Tejal Murray, who completed a master’s in...
Re-using Possibilities
I am a big fan of reusing materials into new forms. Broken bits glued together to make guardians; Torn fabric to make new yarn or a rug; Old shoes into...
Under the Mask, the Space in Between
I'll start with an ending. One Art Therapy Techniques class in 2014 ended with each member of the group creating an altar of the art that was made during the...
The Invisible Realms by Katherine Ninos
Vice President Katherine Ninos shares her understanding of the essence of Quimby/Southwestern College......
Art Therapy and Elders with Alzheimer’s
by Debbie Schroder I can’t seem to stop smiling. I’m smiling because of my morning – I went to the Roundhouse, the New Mexico State Capitol Building, to...
Glass Half Full? or Not
by Debbie Schroder I have a song stuck in my head. I think it’s staying stuck because we’ve entered a new year and part of the lyrics are “How...
The Hands That Guide – Creative Faculty and Staff at Southwestern College
by Debbie Schroder (2013) The Wild Heart Gallery in the art therapy building is simply exploding with color! The show, entitled “The Hands That...
Seek: Attempt to Find (Something)
Art Therapy. Inside and Outside. Tiny Things for a Tiny Box by Mary Edson ...
Get a Dual Degree in Art Therapy / Counseling. Please.
A dual degree in Counseling and Art Therapy will serve you in the job market FAR better than an Art Therapy master's alone. The number of jobs for which you...
The Insurer, by Andrew Fearnside (SWC Alum)
The Insurer by Andrew Fearnside 3,000 Hours: Meeting The Auditor I've got this image of The Insurer lurking in me, down deep where it's dark and close and stuffy....