Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM Blog
Letting Go of Control
When we stop trying to control ourselves and others, what happens? Perhaps that depends on the extent to which we're resting in love. When we're resting in love, the distinction...
I Am That, But You Are Not Me
There's a paradox: from one point of view, I am that. From another, you are not me. I believe it's important to remember both of these viewpoints. Remembering "I am...
How I Prepare for Sleep
For me, the first step in having a great day is having a great sleep—and the first step in having a great sleep is preparing for sleep. I know I'm...
Noticing What’s About to Be Born
I'm really liking a practice I've been doing: noticing what's about to be born. This works both alone and in conversation. Alone, this practice goes with reminding myself that I...
How to Resolve Conflict by Naming Expectations
I find that naming expectations helps me avoid and resolve conflict. An unnamed expectation is an unconscious, unspoken, implicit "should" or "should not" hanging between myself and someone else. I'm...
“Opportunity to Publish Consciousness- Centered Writing”
"Opportunity to Publish Consciousness- Centered Writing" for Evolving magazine. If you are interested in writing for Evolving Magazine - A Guide for Conscious Living, The writers guidelines are listed here: ...
How to Make Difficult Experiences More Meaningful
I'm finding I can make difficult experiences more meaningful by using them to cultivate compassion. For instance, let's say I'm feeling lonely—needing more love and companionship in my life. Feeling...
How to Stop Doing Things You Regret When You’re Angry
When I'm angry (that is, "triggered"), I'm often tempted to gain relief from my triggered state by protecting myself in some way—usually, by setting a boundary. The problem with this...
The Moment When I Started Caring About Others
I had a life-changing moment in my early 30s. I'd just moved to a new city, I was lonely, and I was looking for people to hang out with. One...
How to Solve Relationship Problems by Owning Your Part
Consider the idea that we co-create the dynamics of our relationships. This implies that when a problem is showing up in a relationship, each person in the relationship has helped...
10 Tips to Thrive in Grad School at SWC
I make war with what comes in contact with a person's health or happiness, believing that God made everything good..." ~Phineas Parkhurst Quimby Grad school is a...
How to Stop Rushing
Why do I rush? Often, it's because I'm trying to finish up something tedious I've been doing (so I can get to do something I actually want to be doing!)...
Soul-Making at Southwestern College
What do you get when you rock a holistic, integrative, soulful curriculum and approach to Art Therapy and Counseling, in an innovative and powerfully transformational dual degree program? You get...
Destination Grad School
Santa Fe is awesome as a grad school destination and city. Check out a few of the honors awarded to "The City Different" below (read the entire "Best of Santa Fe"...
How to Transform Hostility into Compassion
When we view others with hostility, we're more likely to try to get our needs met at their expense. Transforming our hostility into compassion can shift our approach to conflict,...
Mobile Metaphor Containment
by Deb Schroder If car designers only knew what art therapists truly need (not that we’re a big enough group to be listened to by the auto industry). We turn...
Why I Stopped Saving Books
I read lots of books. I used to do a lot of underlining and note taking in those books—then I would file the books away on my bookshelf as a...
Grad School Surprise: Exponential Experiential
Once a heroic Jedi Knight, Darth Vader was seduced by the dark side of the Force, became a Sith Lord, and led the Empire’s eradication of the Jedi Order....
Three Magic Words for Fostering Respectful Dialogue
In a difficult conversation, when I'm considering saying something controversial, I find that it really helps to preface it with three magic words: "My story is..." This allows me to...
Taking a “Wait and See” Approach to Life
When I'm finishing up a session of meditation, I sometimes set an intention to continue doing nothing throughout my day. That doesn't mean I won't move from my meditation cushion—it...
Digital Media, Personal Narrative and Art Therapy: The Great Unknown
The technology of the internet... what does it mean? Does the internet teach social skills? Does it matter? Can we make connections via the internet and are they real? What...
I Like Big (Art Therapy/Counseling) Books and I Cannot Lie
Books are the treasured wealth of the world and the fit inheritance of generations and nations. ~Henry David Thoreau, Walden Oh, yes, yes I do… like big books,...
How I Free Myself from Labels
Sometimes I'll get compliments like, "You're so organized!" At these times, I'll often respond by saying, "Thanks! That's true, I am—except when I'm not!" That's because I try not to...
Shades of Grey . . . In Art Therapy by Deb Schroder
I don’t think that anyone explores the shades of grey better than art therapists. Okay, not the 50 Shades within the popular book and movie, but the uncomfortable place between...