Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM Blog
2 new murals, a Capstone Process
Our Capstone process underwent a new iteration this year. With the class split in half with students who are learning at a distance, and students who are local to Southwestern...
Murals, Relationship & Endings
As I move towards facilitating my last mural painting process at Southwestern College, I am thinking about relationships, legacy and love. Debbie Schroder and I have co-facilitated this process since...
The Healing Power of Words: an Interview
Here is a 50 minute interview of Dr. Ann Filemyr, Chair of the PhD Visionary Practice and Regenerative Leadership program being conducted by a PhD Program Faculty Mentor Dr. Marianela...
Group Murals During a Pandemic
In March 2020, we enjoyed our last "in-person" mural process on campus (Cracked Wide Open, March 2020). As we move to gathering together as a group this summer (August 2021),...
Touch & Embodiment by Magdalena Karlick, M.A., LPCC, ATR-BC
A couple of weekends ago, Ginna Clark (Director of the NEI certificate program in Human Sexuality) and I, co-taught a weekend course entitled "Touch and Embodiment." Discussions included...
Facing My Privilege of Congruency
By Deborah Schroder, MA in Art Therapy/Counseling Program Chair I’ve always enjoyed sharing Virginia Satir’s way of working, with my students in my family art therapy course. This spring at...
Tracking Anger – an Art Therapy Exploration
As part of our Wild Heart Gallery art show on “Anger and the Feminine Self” we are offering this somatic art directive to those interested in exploring their own anger...
Santa Fe Pride 2019
By Laura Lansrud-Lopez This past Saturday on June 29th, fifty years after the historic riots at Stonewall Inn, a dedicated and enthusiastic group of students, friends, family, and staff of...
When “assessment” is in the title for a retreat
This past Friday, June 29, the SWC leadership, including the members of the Academic Council, the Chief Finance Officer and the Director of Enrollment Services (me!) gathered together for our...
About Being Mad
by Dru Phoenix, MA, LMHC The upcoming Wild Heart Gallery art show at Southwestern College is titled “Anger and the Feminine Self.” The idea was to invite the feminine into...
The Week I Ate Lucky Charms for Breakfast
By Deb Schroder I’ve come to really value small moments of joy. My life isn’t lacking happiness but on many days it gets crowded out by stress. One night after...
The Weed by the Water, by President Ann Filemyr
The Weed by the Water by President Ann Filemyr Sitting on the breakwater next to Navy Pier in Chicago, I look down at...
Beautiful Boy
Beautiful Boy - by Deborah Schroder I recently picked up the newly-released edition of Beautiful Boy, David Sheff’s powerful story of addiction and recovery within his own family. I was overwhelmed...
Communicating Creatively: Art, Music, and Alternative Addiction Treatment Therapies
Communicating Creatively: Art, Music, and Alternative Addiction Treatment Therapies --by Michelle Peterson Millions of people who suffer the ravages of drug and alcohol addiction benefit from traditional, 12-step treatment...
Becoming Visionary: The Key To Our Successful Future
Becoming Visionary Is A Mindset You Will Need --by Jim Nolan What does it mean to be “Visionary”? Visionary means looking into our unprecedentedly uncertain future and introducing...
Conscious Entrepreneurship: Let’s Meet Dr. Varghese
Conscious Entrepreneurship: Why You Should Know Dr. Melvin Varghese Melvin Varghese is an incredibly likable guy who created what has blossomed into a huge phenomenon called “Selling the Couch.” He...
Meltdown! (Looking at the World We Live In: Yikes!) by Deb Schroder
Meltdown! No matter where one lands in terms of politics in our country right now, the stress of what we see and hear in the news can melt one’s sense...