Student debt, the death of Fidel, Standing Rock, a shifting and historically unrecognizable economy, the Trump presidency, the Obama presidency, the avalanche of higher ed regulatory requirements, the exponential increase in documentation requirements by insurance companies, fracking, global warming, the diversification of the country, wall or no wall, remaining a sanctuary city…
Are there enough things to think about to keep a conscious person awake at night?
Where will we get involved? If anywhere? Where will we find or create meaning? Which causes will we support, champion, die for (if any)?
Some issues and causes gain popularity, while others, equally meritorious (or egregious) fail to capture the passion of the people. How does that work? The old bumper sticker used to read “Think Globally, Act Locally.” Is that a good message? Or not?
There are no right answers, and there are a thousand and one right answers.
As leader of an organization, I was frequently recruited (challenged?) by individuals or groups who wanted me to take on their chosen crusade as mine. Suggestions were made that my integrity might be at risk if I did not fall into alignment with their politics or their current call for action. The same happened with the College.
To be honest, I have never really worked well with that line of arm-twisting. My own calling comes from within, and that is how it goes. I hope the same is true for you.
I completely encourage and support each of us to do our own inner audit, and identify where we will each apply our gifts and passion. And I don’t need your causes to be mine. In fact, I much prefer they be yours. If we overlap, that is great. If not, that is great too.
I only hope and ask that your authentic self decides consciously how and where to move the world forward, how and where to make a difference.
There are lots of worthy possibilities. Choose well, and stay true…
Jim Nolan, Former SWC President