For me, the first step in having a great day is having a great sleep—and the first step in having a great sleep is preparing for sleep. I know I’m going to be asleep for about eight hours—and I know that the last hour or so before I go to sleep is a crucial time in terms of preparing me for that eight hours.
If I don’t pay attention, I’m likely to work right up to my bedtime, then quickly climb into bed. If I do it this way, my mind is likely to be all stirred up from the work I was doing.
I find I sleep much better when I take some time to get centered and present before going to bed. What works well for me is some qigong followed by some meditation—all the while, setting an intention to have a great sleep and a great day the next day.
Photo IMG_9243 (by Chris Miller) is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.