Materials: Markers, Colored Paper, Scissors, and Glue
These days, most presents for family and friends are family creative efforts; Mama and Judah (2 1/2 years old) taking lead. My folks and my brother are all Scorpios, with their birthdays within two weeks of each other. This year we made a collage with spontaneous scribbles, hand tracings, and copies of the new baby Isa’s footprints from the day of his birth.
I find the experience of creating with my son and my husband ranges from satisfying and heartwarming, to time-consuming and frustrating! When I can let go of my “to do” list and just be with the materials and the process, the space is filled with joy. However, when I am trying to get something done to fulfill an “obligation” or a creative want, I am pushy, cranky, and less open to spontaneity. When I feel the burgeoning thought of “this needs to be done now,” or my mind starts to focus on the next thousand things that should have been done yesterday, I work on returning to my body sensations, my breath and the creativity of my son and my husband. When I allow this, I am able to return to the moment and to my family’s creativity.
As a therapist, I work with families who are exploring interpersonal communication, as well as what has happened in the past and/or what to do next. Using art supplies to communicate illuminates what has been and what is in the room. Often individuals are able to see and feel emotions, the perspective of others, and desires in a way that they weren’t able to express previously.
Personally, I have to remind myself to go back to the art; To stray from the rambling mind, and return to the now of my body.