This is episode 8 of the Aspiring Coaches and Therapists podcast, by Emilah Dawn DeToro and Jacob Gotwals. In this episode (recorded in November 2013), we talk about various ways of attracting new clients: what we’ve tried, what we like, what’s worked for us, and what hasn’t.
Listen Now / Download (Duration: 41:52 — 28.8MB)
Find out:
- How some of our most influential mentors have used podcasting and blogging to create relationships of trust with their followers
- Why Emilah prefers to market her work via word-of-mouth, personal connections, and networking rather than internet content marketing
- How Emilah uses advertising and articles in local magazines to keep herself on a consistent marketing schedule.
Links for this episode:
- Emilah’s website: emilah.com
Photo Birds of a feather flock together; Sand dunes, Dornoch beach (by John Haslam) is used under a Creative Commons Attribution 2.0 Generic license.
© 2013 Emilah Dawn DeToro and Jacob Gotwals