Southwestern College Santa Fe, NM

Posts by Donna Harrington

Looking Back on My First Week at Southwestern College: “Hello, Fear! Why Are You Here?”

2nd Year Student Looking Back to Year One Written by Sara Beth Patrick as an incoming student. I have just finished my first week of classes at Southwestern College. It has been quite a transition. Moving from Ohio to Santa Fe, living in the suburbs to living in the country, getting into and choosing…
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The PO Is In the Room, by Andrew Fearnside

Andrew Fearnside's Blog Series offers unique, poignant and tragi-comedic insights into the work of being a therapist. He is a graduate of Southwestern College.   3,000 Hours: The PO (Probation Officer)   Court-ordered clients [hereafter referred to as patients] bring their PO into therapy with them. As the therapist, I have to handle this complication,…
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The Insurer, by Andrew Fearnside (SWC Alum)

The Insurer by Andrew Fearnside   3,000 Hours: Meeting The Auditor I've got this image of The Insurer lurking in me, down deep where it's dark and close and stuffy. He's tall and hefty and ten plus years older than me. He's got a crappy grey Men's Wearhouse suit on, old loafers, and a waistcoat:…
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Shadow Side of a Peacekeeper: Using Art to Explore Beyond “Being Nice”

This video is an amazing piece of inner reflection, exploration, engaging the shadow side of a "nice person" coming to peace with all she finds. Amazing piece by Amy Hautman-Bates   (Mural featured in photograph is from Southwestern College Art Therapy/Counseling students' Capstone project...)      …
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Learning the Power of Language at Southwestern College

by Amy Hautman Bates We talk a lot about language at SWC. What are you saying? What do you really mean? This careful attention to words is part of the school’s mission of “Transforming Consciousness Through Education.” And in a way, transforming education through consciousness. A huge step in gaining self-awareness is hearing what is…
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First Year Southwestern Student: On Family Constellations

My Personal Take on Family Constellations     by Beza Addis In my 3rd quarter I had the opportunity to participate in a class activity that left a great impression in me. The activity was centered on family constellation and its influence in a counseling therapeutic setting. After listening to our guest instructor, Naomi, explain how…
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Lessons From My Multicultural Class, by Beza Addis

Lessons from my Multicultural class by Beza Addis In my multicultural class we each had to select a topic that is focused on multicultural issues which has bearing in our personal life and future work with clients. As an immigrant minority, it is a benefit to myself and to those I come across to be…
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Wholeness Through Mandalas: Putting the Pieces Together For Greater Unity

by Amy Hautman Bates The Mandala is a symbol of wholeness. And within that oneness, there is a wonderful kaleidoscope of experiences and expressions. Every moment is new as everything sparkles and changes, and as each facet moves everything around it shifts in response. It is a beautiful dance of creative energy all within a…
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Reflections on First Year, by Allegra Borghese

Does Southwestern College really deliver on its mission, "Transforming Consciousness through Education"? I am approaching the end of my first year at Southwestern College. Time has flown. This is not just because I decided on Option One for the program, but also because so much has happened in these last 8 months. As a graduate…
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