Southwestern College provides graduate students a rigorous curriculum as Counselors and Art Therapists-in-training. Success here requires time management, focus, determination, and passion. Yes, we read countless books. Yes, we write many papers. These are no doubt important skills for the future, but something that makes Southwestern special is the attention given to nurturing our creativity, in addition to the aforementioned left-brained functions. Classes at Southwestern College (whether you want to be an Art Therapist or not) frequently encourage us to integrate our knowledge and conceptualizations through artistic mediums. Take some time to soak in the inspiring work of current students:

Stephanie Kitts and Chelsea Slay present existential issues in therapy.

Amy Gordon grants us an internal glimpse during her Holotropic Breathwork class, and Gina Sagona gives us a “Gangster’s Approach to Gestalt,” starring “Fritzy” Perls.

Janice Rabideaux, Peter Ziminsky, and Paula Jarrosak capture the essence of Humanistic Theory.

Beth Lykins uses her non-dominant hand to revisit her perspective of childhood play.

Amy Gordon displays her idea of a safe space.

Janice Rabideaux’s work represents the Psychoanalytic process while Peter Ziminsky reflects on its concept of Evenly Hovering Attention.

Lauren Hamilton was inspired by Viktor Frankl’s contribution to existentialist theory: “Man’s Search for Meaning.”
Visual art is not the only form of expression used in class. Click below to check out my nursery rhyme about the evolution of Freud’s theory.
Through sharing our creative expressions, we expand our understanding of any given topic and enrich the learning experience of others. What will you contribute?