In preparation for my archetypal embodiment series I want to honor the structures and systems behind a persona or any construct for that matter. Those forms that silently shape what’s under the skin, invisible to the eye. Why? Because without the groundwork, without the base everything falls out of context and nothing stays in place. In my creative work I always put forth a structure of some kind first, casting its skeletal system into the future. This gives me a frame in which to operate and allows the living flow to come into the present moment of any act whether it be a class, workshop, piece of art or consultation. This is how I create. This is how I relate to the world and make my work and move through it best. So today I honor the structures I set forth, the armatures of abundance and the frames of the future!
Its invisible so …. trust me, the intention has been set. Has yours?
Archetypally yours,
Heather Wulfers, ATR-BC, LPAT, LPCC
Heather is an archetypal art therapist, clinical supervisor and course instructor in Santa Fe, NM. She currently serves as Adjunct Faculty at Southwestern College teaching Archetypal Psychology and Internship Seminar as well as at the Santa Fe University of Art & Design teaching Who Am I? and Intro to Art Therapy. Feel free to view her website for more.