How do we actively express Love? Existing as a human in this current amazing paradigm shift, two important factors stand out to me for expressing Love in both personal and planetary relationships: integrity and balance. I believe they are essential to the reprogramming of our very DNA. I ask myself, Am I just replacing one trance for another or am I ready to move into deep self-investigation and then into self-responsibility? Will I be able to create a new line of connectivity? I AM ready. I am choosing all the tools for my journey. These are my thoughts, and I share them freely. Not with the hope of changing anyone but myself. I share it in the spirit of Love, with the intent that it adds to the bounty of knowledge that humanity draws from.This information is not new. Although I am not familiar enough with many spiritual teachings to quote them, I’m positive you will find a similar thread of consciousness in your own practices, further bridging to gaps between “us” – beings of flesh. Actively expressing Love is the foundation of sisterhood/brotherhood and the path to inner peace. Love and Service are the embodiment of Compassion. WE ARE EACH OTHER. This recognition allows us direct interface with Creation, expanding awareness to encompass a more compassionate/empathic attitude towards humanity, and if we are lucky this expansion will widen to eventually embrace all life on this planet and BEYOND. The sweetness of this Love cannot be expressed or felt without spiritual integrity, not for me anyway. This is the alignment of a deep knowing, when the things said, done and intended align with the Heroic Self, the Self that is “god”. It is easy to speak love, funny feelings of praise and virtue, but can it be seen in the acts of living? Are intentions clear, defined so that the cords of light can reach beyond the darker parts of human existence? I ask myself only to respond to this beautiful dance, engage it, not react in vain and regret, to feel the glory of Creation, and know it as myself. Balance comes with seeing, sight that enables us to see both sides of a story. I am dark, I am light. In the grey I am found by acceptance of these opposing forces. Can I see myself as a dark agent, and Love it as essential to my existence here? Balance is achieved by looking through the lens of God Source First Eternal and recognizing that there is no light without dark. Can I love who I am, a creature of dual nature, multi-faceted as a crystal shard?