Helping comes in many ways here at Tierra Nueva, Southwestern College’s Counseling Center, magic comes in many ways too. We see so many people in so many different situations looking for help, support, caring and love. In addition to our human clients, we were able to help two little beings that were in desperate need, a life and death situation.
It was a Tuesday when one of our regular clients came through the door with two very little, and very hungry kittens. Eyes not even open yet, they cried and cried for their momma and some food. The client had been at her apartment dumpster when a neighbor walked up with the two kittens, getting ready to throw them away! The client took them in, but in her situation was unable to care for the kittens in the way they needed. The kittens were beyond adorable, and of course at a very fragile point in their lives needing 24-hour care! They were about a week old and both could fit in the palm of my hand.
Immediately, everyone who was present rushed in to action. One student called the Humane Society, another student went to a pet store to get kitten formula, feeding bottles, and soft blankets for the kittens. Other students held the little kittens and gave them comfort. At first the Humane Society was not able to take the kittens. We devised a plan to keep them at the counseling center during the day, and then I would take them home at night as well as other students who volunteered to take turns caring for the kittens at night. However, it became clear our plan wouldn’t work when the assistant coordinator started immediately sneezing while admiring the cute kittens. After a few days I also realized how much work caring for the kittens would actually be!
Over the next few days several people suggested resources and volunteered to take care of the kittens. Finally we were able to get them into the Humane Society where they could get vet care and were placed with an experienced volunteer foster bottle feeder. Before we took them in we sat down and fed them one last time, gave them love and attention, and said our goodbyes. They were eating more than ever and were so much stronger than the day they had been brought in! I spent the rest of the day in kitty loving bliss.
It was such an amazing experience to care for the two kittens. So amazing I didn’t even mind waking up in the middle of the night to feed and care for them! I believe they touched the hearts of so many students and clients for the few days they were here. People smiled when they saw them, some even cried as they watched them being fed or held close as they slept. It felt good to see how much everyone stepped in to help care for the kittens, these two little lives that were in our hands. The client that brought the kittens in asked me how they were doing yesterday and I assured her that they had gone to a good home and were doing really well. We talked about how she had saved their lives and she said to me “I have a good heart” to which I completely agreed! I don’t know what will be in the future for those two little kittens, but I do know they lead me to an unconditional loving place in my heart. It was such a gift, like magic.